Empowering Parents To Choose The Right UK Boarding School and Guardian For Their Child.
KL Education Consulting was founded by Kim Li-Lakkappa
Kim Li-Lakkappa is a passionate educator, who has taught Science and Biology for over two decades as well as investing in her own continued education. Teaching in academically selective state and Independent schools in the UK has given her a huge insight into these establishments. During her earlier teaching days, she also taught at King George V International School, Hong Kong- this triggered her passion to work with international students and families.
As a worldly and personable teacher, Kim automatically attracted friends and families- near and far, who were seeking advice on all things related to schools! Naturally, she was more than happy to share her insights into the world of education. In return, she gained huge personal satisfaction in listening and following the successes of everyone that she helped.
For the past five years she has offered parents detailed and honest information on the UK educational system, giving them impartial advice and guiding them every step of the way in matching the right school for each child. This has led to the successful placement of students into top UK boarding schools. Kim has been a guardian and host, as well as tutored and mentored students to achieve places on prestigious degree courses at institutions such as UCL, LSE, Oxford and Cambridge.
KL Education Consultancy 的創辦人Kim在英國任職中學教師超過20年。她對教育深感抱負和熱誠,除了擁有豐富的教學經驗,更與多家優秀的學校建立了緊密的聯繫。
Kim 帶領的KL Education Consultancy 強調 「個人化」的意見和指導,致力為家長提供專業的英國教育顧問服務,包括:
- 配對合適的寄宿學校或中學
- 提供監護人服務
- 協助並指導報讀優秀中學及大學(例如準備面試和撰寫個人陳述)
- 身心健康輔導
KL Education Consultancy 明白每人的強項和興趣各有不同,升學規劃及指導應該個人化,絕不可劃一而行;更因為團隊各人都身為父母,將心比心,希望透過專業的教育顧問服務,讓你的子女無論在升學、選科、以至適應並融入英國的生活,都得到最妥善合適的支援。
電郵: info@kleduconsultancy.com
WhatsApp: +447477 590797
電話: +44 (0) 1832 275749
WhatsApp: +447477 590797
電話: +44 (0) 1832 275749
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